Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Endorsement


We have all met them before. They are our friends, our family members, our coworkers or maybe even ourselves. They are the ones who stand up loud and proud when they proclaim that they are in love... with being single. They are adamant in their statement, and they do everything in their power to prove their lifestyle. Sometimes, with lots of panache.

The life of these individuals is really something to behold, though it's all a bit misleading until you indulge in it yourself. I myself am living the life right now. I have been told that I am truly in an incredible position. I can do whatever I want and really have to only answer to myself. I can travel anywhere my heart desires, eat what I want, spend my dough on myself and not be tied down. I'm young, motivated, and floating on the sea without an anchor. Do I see a freakishly expensive electronic? Charge it. Am I curious to what the difference is between American and German chocolate? Put me on the next flight to Deutschland. Hot new game out? Pass me the Red Bull, it's gonna be a long night. I have room to stretch my legs and freedom is my shadow. I've got the world on a string.

But then I ask myself, what good is gaining the world when I don't have anyone to share it with?

1 comment:

VJM said...

Are you kidding me?

This is the best part of life.